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Two general traits of sensitive skin are visible broken capillaries under the surface and having fine pores. Sensitive skin will redden easily when exposed to moderate changes in temperature both hot and cold. Sensitive skin also tends to come out in a rash easily when in contact with household chemicals or skincare products of moderate strength. If skin displays any of these signs, it’s a high chance that’s its sensitive skin.
It can be quite difficult to care for sensitive skins so it is advisable to limit your use of skin care products as much as possible. Simple skincare regimes are often more appropriate for sensitive skin in general as they prevent product overload.
Sensitive skincare relies on strengthening the skin to reduce sensitivity and increase tolerance.
Tips for caring for sensitive skin:
1. Reduce your exposure to the sun
Sensitive skin will redden and burn easily in the sun, before going out its essential to apply some sort of sun protection to your face and body. This is a simple precaution which can be enhanced with the addition of wearing a hat, sunglasses or light headscarf to keep more sun off of your skin.
2. Hydration
Sensitive skin will be more prone to drying out than normal skin and because of this, it’s a good idea to make sure you stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water/fluids is the best course of action and can be aided by applying a lightweight and hypoallergenic moisturiser daily to the skin to help restore moisture levels.
3. Water-rich foods
Vegetables, fruits and other water-rich foods are indispensable when it comes to correcting the skins imbalances. Not just the water content but also the vitamins and minerals help hydrate your skin and restore its health.
4. Avoid synthetic fragrances artificial colours
Fragrances and colourants are often only added to skin care products to enhance to appeal to the customer but generally don’t have any added benefit to the skin. In a lot of cases, they will cause increased skin sensitivity and sometimes allergic reactions.
5. Always be protecting your skin
When you're not outdoors your skin can still be tested by the likes of air-conditioning or central heating so having a lightweight moisturiser on you that you can apply as frequently as needed to prevent drying out of the skin is a great thing to have.
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