ASCB(E) Accredited
Quality Assured
Sales: 0115 852 9000
Welcome to Clarisan’s data sheets page, this is where you will find all the relevant COSHH information you need in regards to our products. Our data sheets will take you through the testing, environmental impact, cleaning and safety requirements.
Every data sheet is contained within the test pack which you can download below. Each one begins with an introduction and contents, so you know where to find the information at a glance.
We have included the rigorous tests we have applied so that you can be confident that our products stand up to the most high-risk of applications and still kill the widest range of bacteria found in healthcare environments.
It is vital in our service to you that our products are safe and as thoroughly tested as possible to meet the high standards of use within the NHS, social care and dentistry. If there’s anything you are unsure about please contact us. We know our products inside out and we are always happy to offer advice.
You can also go to our shop and try our non-alcohol based and alcohol-based cleaning products out for yourself.
Download our data sheets here:
Quality Assured