Eliminating Kitchen and Bathroom Bacteria

That pesky bacteria, unfortunately, it is unavoidable and gets everywhere, no matter how much you clean an area. Unless you are doing a full bleach scrub down every day then bacteria are going to find somewhere to grow. Now, this isn’t a bad thing in small doses, some of them are actually good for you but letting it get out of hand can cause more bacteria called pathogens to form. These are the ones that can cause disease and help with the spread of colds, flu and other viruses.

This is why knowing where they commonly form and how to fight them is vital to making your home a healthier one for you and your loved ones.

Common Location for Bacteria in your Kitchen and Bathroom

Germs are found everywhere in the home but we can’t go cleaning every inch of the house that’s just impractical so concentrating on the main areas is always a good place to start and maintain.

These are 6 of the top places in the bathroom and kitchen illness-causing bacteria and germs like to live in the home:

• The sponge: Bacteria loves moist and damp places, which I’m sure you agree the bathroom and kitchen have the most of. Though the sponge in your kitchen will generally be worse as this also comes in to contact with food. 15% of kitchen sponges have been found to have salmonella on them.
• The sink: Somewhere to clean regularly as it's used often and is a harbourer to germs. Again, commonly worse in the kitchen due to more food contamination.
• The cutting board: Pretty obvious one here. This comes in to contact with a lot of organic material and raw meats so keeping it clean is very important.
• Door handles: All door handles should be kept clean but none more than the fridge door. Possibly the most popular door in the home and again the one that’s coming into more contact with organic material and raw meat than other places. This is a very popular spot for E. coli.
• The counter: In the kitchen it comes it is used for food preparation but in both the kitchen and the bathroom its main combatant is the splashback from the sink itself, spraying the counter with all sorts of germs and bacteria.
• Toilet Seat: No this I think is the most obvious one on the list but it should definitely not be forgotten so it been included.

Then it’s time to attack those 6 mentioned above:

• For sponges and dishcloths, simply soak in a weak bleach solution (using water to dilute) two to three times a week.
• Scrub your chopping board with warm soapy water after every use let it air dry before putting away.
• Wash sinks with hot soapy water periodically when needed and keep on top using antibacterial wipes.
• Sponges being one of the main uses for cleaning but also a spreader of the bacteria, to cut down on sponge use you could try using paper towels to wipe up spills.

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